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Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Appointment on compassionate grounds........ of a Government Servant who dies while in service.
Appointment on compassionate grounds........ of a Government Servant who dies while in service.
No. DPAR 43 SCA 87 Karnataka Government Secretariat, Vidhana Soudha, Bangalore, dated 19-9-1987.
Sub : Appointment on compassionate grounds of Widow / Son / Unmarried Daughter / Near relative of a Government Servant who dies while in
service revised instructions reg- Ref : Official Memorandum No. DPAR 30 SSR 84 dated 22-8-1985. On the basis of representations received for a relaxation of certain conditions
relating to appointments on compassionate grounds, the scheme has been examined again
and the following modifications to the Official Memorandum referred to above are made. (1) In paras 2(2) of the Official Memorandum dated 22-8-85 after the existing
entry (d) the following entry shall be added. (e) A brother or a sister of the deceased Government servant (if there is no Widow / Son / Unmarried Daughter / Brother of the Widow, eligible to
accept employment under Government . (2) In para 2(5) of the Official Memorandum dated 22-8-1985 after the existing
provision the following shall be added. However while making appointments to Group-D Posts ; (a) relaxation up to four years in the lower age limit and up to five years in the upper age limit can be made; and
(b) educational qualification may be exempted. (3) For the existing para 2(17) in the Official Memorandum dated 22-8-85 the
following para shall be substituted. Powers are delegated to Heads of Departments to deal with all applications for appointments on compassionate grounds within the frame work of the instructions issued by Government in this regard and to take decisions. Recommendations for further relaxation of the conditions in
each individual case, in future, are prohibited .2
(4) The above modifications may be applied with immediate effect to all pending
cases and to applications received in future. If, however, any of the cases already rejected
come within the purview of the modified instructions received in this Official Memorandum, Government have no objection for reconsideration of such cases in
accordance with these modified instructions by the competent authority subject to other conditions being satisfied. Sd/-
(M.M. NAIK) Additional Secretary to Government, Dept. of Personnel & Admnv. Reforms, (Service Rules). /copy/ OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER FOR PUBLIC INSTRUCTION IN KARNATAKA
th Oct.1987. M E M O
Copy of the O.M. letter No. DPAR 43/SCA/87 dt 19-9-87 is forwarded to the following
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